Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Rencana Pembangunan Rest Area di Kaki Suramadu

Jawa Pos, 21 Oktober 2010

 Enggan menanggung biaya penerangan jalan umum (JPU) di kawasan Jembatan Suramadu sebesar Rp. 1,2 Milyar, tidak berarti Badan Pengembangan Wilayah Suramadu (BPWS) tidak punya dana. Justru sebaliknya, itu terlihat pada rencana pembangunan rest area di kawasan kaki Jembatan sisi Madura pada tahun 2011.

Pembangunan tempat peristirahatan pengguna tol itu, akan diambilkan sebagian dana APBN tahun anggaran 2011. Pada tahun depan BPWS menerima Rp. 275 Milyar dana APBN. Alokasinya mendukung pemeliharaan Suramadu. Sebagian lagi ditujukan untuk membangun rest area tersebut. Pada tahap awal, BPWS akan membebaskan lima hektar lahan.

Selasa, 28 September 2010

Suramadu Bridge - Souvenir (Shirt)

We have a lot of souvenir from Indonesia, especially the shirt of Suramadu Bridge. See the Suramadu Bridge view on your elegant shirt. One of the best Landmark in Indonesia will be drawn on your shirt. Combined with various shirt background, the picture will strongly describe about the Suramadu Bridge.

Along our promo until 31 October 2010 get the special price and special discount for your online shopping.

Get Up To 60% Discount

The Design

Picture : Suramadu Bridge (Various Cartoon Design)
Shirt Background Colour Available : White, Red, Green, Blue, and Black
Size Available : Medium (M), Large (L), and Extra Large (XL)
Made From : 100% Cotton

The Price

Retail Price
Normal Price : $9.31 (Rp. 80.000,-) each
Disc 50% : $4.66 (Rp. 40.000,-) each
*Exchange Rate : $1.00 = IDR. 8,600.-

Grocery Price
Special order more then 10 pcs  : $4.37 (Rp. 37.500,-) each
*Exchange Rate : $1.00 = IDR. 8,600.- 

** Additional delivery cost excluded and applied. Different price for different area.

For Indonesia Area, Please visit Tiki JNE website for your delivery cost reference.

For International Area, Please visit DHL website for your delivery cost reference.


We will review and proceed your order after payment around 5-7 workdays. We will give notification of your order delivery by e-mail.

Please be patient during order.


How To Order
Simply give your comment below and submit your complete identity:

Name : [Fill with your full name]
Shipping Address :
e-mail :
Order Quantity :
Shirt Background color :
Size :
Payment Method :

Example of Ordering [just copy and paste this code]
Name : Jonathan Andreas
Shipping Address : Kompleks Perumahan Villa Bukit Mas Blok Astro AK-196, Surabaya, Indonesia
e-mail : J_Andreas@yahoo.com
Order Quantity : 80 pcs
Background : Red (15), Green (25), White (40)
Size : Red (L15), Green (L10, XL20), White (M10, L25, XL5)
Payment : BNI

Contact Us

If you need to order Fast, just try to make a phone call/SMS to +6285852297703, we will serve you as fast as we can.

Don't Worry, your comment is Fully moderated.  We will never show your order comment to public. Your e-mail will always SAFE with us. We hate SPAM as much as you do.


Payment Available With


Suramadu Bridge - Tariff

Tarif Tol Suramadu:

1. Kendaraan bermotor roda 2 (golongan VI) Rp3.000.
2. Kendaraan golongan I, sedan, jip, pickup/truk kecil dan bus Rp30.000
3. Kendaraan golongan II, truk dengan 2 gandar Rp45.000
4. Kendaraan golongan III, truk dengan 3 gandar Rp60.000
5. Kendaraan golongan IV, truk dengan 4 gandar Rp75.000
6. Kendaraan golongan V, truk dengan 5 gandar atau lebih Rp90.000

 * Source : http://www.suramadu.com/

Suramadu Bridge - Construction

Suramadu bridge essentially is a combination of three types of bridges with overall length of 5438 meters over a width of approximately 30 meters. This bridge provides four lanes in both directions as wide as 3.5 meters with two 2.75-meter-wide emergency lane. This bridge also provides a special lane for motorcyclists out on each side of the bridge.


Causeway Road overpass or a bridge built to connect with the road construction through shallow waters on both sides. This flyover consists of 36 spans over 1458 meters on the side of Surabaya and 45 spans over 1818 meters on the side of Madura.

Construction of this flyover using PCI buffer length of each span 40 meters foundation supported 60 cm diameter steel pipe.


Suramadu Bridge - Advantages For Indonesian People

The only access from Surabaya to Madura Island and vice versa is to use the ferry crossing of the Perak Port-Kamal Port. His condition is now very congested. Total fleet of ferries which used as many as 18 units, the average age has also been very old. 

The ferries run by six companies, through its three docks at each port. With the number of ferries and defector who could not balanced, causing long waiting time. Obtained from a survey conducted ferry traffic volume per direction per day in the year 2002 is 315 units of light vehicles, small trucks in 1036, 324 large trucks, 260 buses and 8128 pieces of fruit a motorcycle. The available capacity of the ferry is already saturated, indicated by the average waiting time of vehicles which occurred at the port end and Kamal port is 30 minutes. Except for the type of motorcycle is more freely through the queue. While the time spent to raise the passengers from the ferry port to over 15 minutes. Travel time required for 30-minute crossing, and the time to unloadung process is 15 mins. The total time it takes about 60 minutes or one hour. This time will become longer when a weekend or holiday season.

Selasa, 21 September 2010

Suramadu Bridge - The Beginning

In the 1960s, Prof.. Dr. Sedyatmo (late) proposed an idea of the direct relationship between the islands of Sumatra and Java. An brave idea in that era. The idea was apparently getting a good response. As a follow-up, in 1965 made the trial design Sumatra-Java bridge (Sunda Strait Bridge) made at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Ideas and concepts of development of inter-island bridge explained next to the President of Indonesia Soeharto  in early June 1986.

In February 1986, the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) met with the delegation from the Japanese trading company. The possibility of cooperation projects in Indonesia were discussed. Pots were intercepted. The Japanese delegation was declared to give a positive wind projects for cooperation in the direct relationship of Java-Sumatra-Bali.

The Indonesian government is also increasingly eager to do the preparation. On the basis of the concepts of Prof.. Sedyatmo, June 1986, President Soeharto was appointed Minister of State for Research and Technology Assessment and Application Agency Head of Technology (BPPT), BJ Habibie. Preliminary study on the possibility of a direct relationship inter-islands of Sumatra-Java-Bali were carried out.